After all the planning, cleaning, decorating, donating and carrying things up and down endless flights of stairs, the PTA Rooftop Auction is now over. And what an Auction it was! Filled with food, wine, music, the silent auction and of course the main event itself - hosted by the highly entertaining Jeffrey Archer. In total we raised over £40,000 for the school!!!

The auction team (Andrea, Julia, Deborah, Laure, May, Freya and Clare) alongside our Treasurer, Panos, would like to thank the huge number of individuals and businesses who contributed to making the evening such a huge success.
All the teachers, families and businesses who so generously donated prizes, without which the auction could not have taken place; we hope you agree there was a fabulous range of items with something for everyone - as long as you were the highest bidder, of course!
Mrs Chua, all the teachers and staff, who coordinated the kids to make beautiful bunting and plant flowers, made dangerously drinkable margaritas and got the auction party well and truly started!
Jeffrey Archer, who gave his time and his inimitable verve; entertaining us and managing to extract such a fantastic amount from the Auction attendees.
Matheus, always ready to help with a smile, who closed the school down in the very early hours of Saturday morning only to come back later in the day to make sure it was ready to receive the children on Monday morning.
Singer Emiliano, for turning up and lending us his vocal talents despite an 8 hour flight delay from Italy.
Our friends at Maroush for providing such a delicious dinner; Luca Dusi for selecting the wines; our neighbours at The Marriott for lending us tables and cloths; and at Victoria Casino for lending us a TV at extremely short notice.
The Bar team, the Y9 alumni team, plus coordinators Michele and Steve, for serving food, keeping the drinks flowing and doing a huge amount of washing up; between them they did over 200,000 stair steps!
Peter Lea and BDP for providing a free structural survey of the rooftop to keep us safe.
All the parents (Dipo, Gareth, Ken, Marcus, Vincent and several more) who stepped in to help carry some VERY HEAVY items up to the roof when the lift gave out a few days before the event.
As you can imagine, a huge amount of work went into preparing for the event, so we really appreciate everyone coming together to make the evening so much fun and to bid so generously to make the effort worthwhile.
The funds raised will help to support the school and enrich our children's education over the coming years.
If you have ideas for future events, or would like to be part of the process, the PTA would love to hear from you. There is more information about how to get involved on our website.