Did you know that you can check the Air Quality near the school in real-time on the Breathe London website? Simply click here to visit the website, zoom in on the school's location and click on the Nutford Place node.
Cllr Barbara Arzymanow arranged for the installation of a Breathe London Node on Nutford Place in March 2022, as well as near the locations of several other schools and youth centers in the erstwhile Bryanston and Dorset Square Ward.
However, while it is great that the air quality is being monitored, the way the data is presented is not necessarily easy to interpret. To this end, the St Marylebone Society has obtained a quotation for a customised system to report outputs from 15 sensors monthly (including Nutford Place) in a way which people might better understand, and it is seeking funding from Westminster Council and the Marylebone Forum. Please see the below article for more information:
How you can help
If you would like to show your support for this project, please:
Email your local Councillors:
For Marylebone Ward: Cllrs Arzymanow, Scarborough, Rowley (barzymanow@westminster.gov.uk; kscarborough@westminster.gov.uk ; irowley@westminster.gov.uk;)
For Regents Park Ward: Cllrs Rigby, Swaddle, Oteh-Osoka (rrigby@westminster.gov.uk; pswaddle@westminster.gov.uk; rotehosoka@westminster.gov.uk;)
Support the St Marylebone Society:
SMS has actively campaigned on Air Quality since 2015 and kindly measured NO2 around HG school premises in 2017. Its work is very influential and would be greatly helped if more local people became members. It's only £20 a year for family membership, so please consider joining via the Society's website: http://www.stmarylebonesociety.org/joinus.php
Join the school Clean Air WhatsApp group:
Send an email to the PTA asking to be added to the group.
The Nutford Place Breathe London Node